FREE GUIDE: Share Your Faith With Confidence 
[Free Conversation Starter Inside]

How to overcome your fears and share the Gospel in three easy steps 

Do you struggle with sharing your faith?

Do you want the people in your life to know Jesus, but when you go to share, you feel nervous, flustered, or like you don’t know what to say?

You’re not alone. Most Christians don’t share their faith—not because they don’t want to, but because they are scared or unsure how to start the conversation.

We’re here to help!

This FREE guide will help you overcome the four most common fears Christians have when talking about their faith and empower you with three easy steps for sharing the Gospel, anytime, anywhere.

Plus, it includes a free, printable conversation starter that will help you know exactly what to say when you share your faith!

Download the FREE guide to discover:

  • The four common reasons Christians don’t share their faith
  • Encouragement to help you overcome these fears
  • A FREE printable tract to help you start spiritual conversations
  • Helpful tips for sharing the Gospel in three easy steps
  • Next steps to begin sharing your faith

FREE Guide: Share Your Faith with Confidence

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About Bill Glass Behind the Walls

Bill Glass Behind the Walls carries the life-changing message of the Gospel to men and women in prison, unlocking hope and transforming lives.

Before going into prisons, we train Christians to confidently share the Gospel and then we send them behind and beyond the walls to offer hope, connection, and faith to those who need it most.

As Christians are equipped and ignited to share their faith, the Church is further mobilized to reach and serve “the least of these.”

Learn more and get involved at